Green Party of Saskatchewan

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Explain It

Conservatives are leading in the polls, and it seems obvious why. Among those who would vote Conservative concern for democracy, justice, and the environment have not yet reached threshold. The current government has tested our democratic system, shown a tolerance for white collar criminals and white collar crimes, and not supported environmental efforts. The many scandals that have been exposed do not make the needle dip on the popularity of the Conservatives, and this can only be explained by the fact that Conservative supporters are focused. The Conservative Party has convinced many people that it is the only party that can keep the economy strong and that a strong economy is the only thing that matters. The economy is the thing for Conservatives.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

GDP Obsolete

"Using GDP as the most important measure of our society's health is like using body weight as the most important measure of our physical health. Too much growth is unhealthy."

Larry Waldinger
Green Party of Saskatchewan Candidate

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

$6 Billion in Corporate Tax Cuts

Here is a clever and cute response to Harper's plan to reduce corporate taxes by $6 Billion in Canada.